For an introduction to the concepts of pattern matching, see Trivia’s wiki.
Trivia matches against a lot of lisp objects and is extensible.
The library is in Quicklisp:
(ql:quickload "trivia")
For the following examples, let’s use
the library:
(use-package :trivia)
Common destructuring patterns
(match '(1 2 3)
((cons x y)
; ^^ pattern
(print x)
(print y)))
;; |-> 1
;; |-> (2 3)
, list*
is a strict pattern, it expects the length of the matched
object to be the same length as its subpatterns.
(match '(something 2 3)
((list a b _)
(values a b)))
Without the _
placeholder, it would not match:
(match '(something 2 3)
((list a b)
(values a b)))
The list*
pattern is flexible on the object’s length:
(match '(something 2 3)
((list* a b)
(values a b)))
(2 3)
(match '(1 2 . 3)
((list* _ _ x)
However pay attention that if list*
receives only one object, that
object is returned, regardless of whether or not it is a list:
(match #(0 1 2)
((list* a)
#(0 1 2)
This is related to the definition of list*
in the HyperSpec:
, vector*
checks if the object is a vector, if the lengths are the
same, and if the contents matches against each subpatterns.
is similar, but called a soft-match variant that allows if
the length is larger-than-equal to the length of subpatterns.
(match #(1 2 3)
((vector _ x _)
;; -> 2
(match #(1 2 3 4)
((vector _ x _)
;; -> NIL : does not match
(match #(1 2 3 4)
((vector* _ x _)
;; -> 2 : soft match.
<vector-pattern> : vector | simple-vector
bit-vector | simple-bit-vector
string | simple-string
base-string | simple-base-string | sequence
(<vector-pattern> &rest subpatterns)
Class and structure pattern
There are three styles that are equivalent:
(defstruct foo bar baz)
(defvar *x* (make-foo :bar 0 :baz 1)
(match *x*
;; make-instance style
((foo :bar a :baz b)
(values a b))
;; with-slots style
((foo (bar a) (baz b))
(values a b))
;; slot name style
((foo bar baz)
(values bar baz)))
, satisfies
The type
pattern matches if the object is of type. satisfies
if the predicate returns true for the object. A lambda form is
, property
, alist
, plist
All these patterns first check if the pattern is a list. If that is
satisfied, then they obtain the contents, and the value is matched
against the subpattern. The assoc
and property
patterns match
single values. The alist
and plist
patterns effectively and
several patterns.
(match '(:a 1 :b 2)
((property :a 1) 'found))
;; -> FOUND
(match '(:a 1 :b 2)
((property :a n) n))
;; -> 1
(match '(:a 1 :b 2)
((property :d n) n))
;; -> NIL
Like cl:getf
you can add a default value to the property
Unlike cl:getf
you can further add a flag to catch if the default
is being used.
(match '(:a 1 :b 2)
((property :c c 3) c))
;; -> 3
(match '(:a 1 :b 2)
((property :c c 3 foundp) (list c foundp)))
;; -> (3 NIL)
The pattern property!
will only match if the key is actually present.
(match '(:a 1 :b 2)
((property :d n) (list n))
(_ 'fail))
;; -> (NIL)
(match '(:a 1 :b 2)
((property! :d n) (list n))
(_ 'fail))
;; -> FAIL
Several properties can be matched with plist
(match '(:a 1 :b 2)
((plist :a 1 :b x) x))
;; -> 2
The pattern assoc
matches association lists. It can take the :test
keyword like cl:assoc
(match '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3))
((assoc 'a 1) 'ok))
;; -> OK
(match '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3))
((assoc 'b x) x))
;; -> 2
(match '(("one" . 1) ("two" . 2))
((assoc "one" x :test #'string-equal) x))
;; -> 1
The pattern alist
matches several elements in an association list.
(match '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3))
((alist ('a . 1) ('c . n)) n))
;; -> 3
Array, simple-array, row-major-array patterns
See !
Logic based patterns
We can combine any pattern with some logic.
, or
The following:
(match x
((or (list 1 a)
(cons a 3))
matches against both (1 2)
and (4 . 3)
and returns 2 and 4, respectively.
It does not match when subpattern matches. The variables used in the subpattern are not visible in the body.
Guards allow us to use patterns and to verify them against a predicate.
The syntax is guard
+ subpattern
+ a test form
, and the body.
(match (list 2 5)
((guard (list x y) ; subpattern1
(= 10 (* x y))) ; test-form
If the subpattern is true, the test form is evaluated, and if it is true it is matched against subpattern1.
Nesting patterns
Patterns can be nested:
(match '(:a (3 4) 5)
((list :a (list _ c) _)
returns 4
See more
See special patterns: place
, bind
and access
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