How Macros Work
A macro is an ordinary piece of Lisp code that operates on another piece of putative Lisp code, translating it into (a version closer to) executable Lisp. That may sound a bit complicated, so letâs give a simple example. Suppose you want a version of setq
that sets two variables to the same value. So if you write
(setq2 x y (+ z 3))
when z
=8 then both x
and y
are set to 11. (I canât think of any use for this, but itâs just an example.)
It should be obvious that we canât define setq2
as a function. If x
=50 and y
=-5, this function would receive the values 50, -5, and 11; it would have no knowledge of what variables were supposed to be set. What we really want to say is, When you (the Lisp system) see:
(setq2 v1 v2 e)
then treat it as equivalent to:
(setq v1 e)
(setq v2 e))
Actually, this isnât quite right, but it will do for now. A macro allows us to do precisely this, by specifying a program for transforming the input pattern (setq2 v1 v2 e)
into the output pattern (progn ...)
Hereâs how we could define the setq2
(defmacro setq2 (v1 v2 e)
(list 'progn (list 'setq v1 e) (list 'setq v2 e)))
It takes as parameters two variables and one expression.
Then it returns a piece of code. In Lisp, because code is represented as lists, we can simply return a list that represents code.
We also use the quote, a special operator (not a function nor a macro, but one of a few special operators forming the core of Lisp).
Each quoted object evaluates to itself, aka it is returned as is:
(+ 1 2)
evaluates to3
but(quote (+ 1 2))
evaluates to(+ 1 2)
(quote (foo bar baz))
evaluates to(foo bar baz)
is a shortcut forquote
:(quote foo)
are equvalent - both evaluate tofoo
So, our macro returns the following bits:
- the symbol
, - a second list, that contains
- the symbol
- the variable
: note that the variable is not evaluated inside the macro! - the expression
: it is not evaluated either!
- the symbol
- a second list, with
We can use it like this:
(defparameter v1 1)
(defparameter v2 2)
(setq2 v1 v2 3)
;; 3
We can check, v1
and v2
were set to 3
We must start writing a macro when we know what code we want to
generate. Once weâve begun writing one, it becomes very useful to
check effectively what code does the macro generate. The function for
that is macroexpand
. It is a function, and we give it some code, as
a list (so, we quote the code snippet we give it):
(macroexpand '(setq2 v1 v2 3))
;; (PROGN (SETQ V1 3) (SETQ V2 3))
;; T
Yay, our macro expands to the code we wanted!
More interestingly:
(macroexpand '(setq2 v1 v2 (+ z 3)))
;; (PROGN (SETQ V1 (+ z 3)) (SETQ V2 (+ z 3)))
;; T
We can confirm that our expression e
, here (+ z 3)
, was not
evaluated. We will see how to control the evaluation of arguments with
the comma: ,
Note: Slime tips
With Slime, you can call macroexpand by putting the cursor at
the left of the parenthesis of the s-expr to expand and call the functionM-x
, or C-c M-m
[|](setq2 v1 v2 3)
;^ cursor
; C-c M-m
; =>
; (PROGN (SETQ V1 3) (SETQ V2 3))
Another tip: on a macro name, type C-c C-w m
(or M-x
) to get a new buffer with all the places
where the macro was expanded. Then type the usual C-c C-k
) to recompile all of them.
Macros VS functions
Our macro is very close to the following function definition:
(defun setq2-function (v1 v2 e)
(list 'progn (list 'setq v1 e) (list 'setq v2 e)))
If we evaluated (setq2-function 'x 'y '(+ z 3))
(note that each
argument is quoted, so it isnât evaluated when we call the
function), we would get
(progn (setq x (+ z 3)) (setq y (+ z 3)))
This is a perfectly ordinary Lisp computation, whose sole point of interest is that its output is a piece of executable Lisp code. What defmacro
does is create this function implicitly and make sure that whenever an expression of the form (setq2 x y (+ z 3))
is seen, setq2-function
is called with the pieces of the form as arguments, namely x
, y
, and (+ z 3)
. The resulting piece of code then replaces the call to setq2
, and execution resumes as if the new piece of code had occurred in the first place. The macro form is said to expand into the new piece of code.
Evaluation context
This is all there is to it, except, of course, for the myriad subtle consequences. The main consequence is that run time for the setq2
macro is compile time for its context. That is, suppose the Lisp system is compiling a function, and midway through it finds the expression (setq2 x y (+ z 3))
. The job of the compiler is, of course, to translate source code into something executable, such as machine language or perhaps byte code. Hence it doesnât execute the source code, but operates on it in various mysterious ways. However, once the compiler sees the setq2
expression, it must suddenly switch to executing the body of the setq2
macro. As I said, this is an ordinary piece of Lisp code, which can in principle do anything any other piece of Lisp code can do. That means that when the compiler is running, the entire Lisp (run-time) system must be present.
Weâll stress this once more: at compile-time, you have the full language at your disposal.
Novices often make the following sort of mistake. Suppose that the setq2
macro needs to do some complex transformation on its e
argument before plugging it into the result. Suppose this transformation can be written as a Lisp procedure some-computation
. The novice will often write:
(defmacro setq2 (v1 v2 e)
(let ((e1 (some-computation e)))
(list 'progn (list 'setq v1 e1) (list 'setq v2 e1))))
(defmacro some-computation (exp) ...) ;; _Wrong!_
The mistake is to suppose that once a macro is called, the Lisp system enters a âmacro world,â so naturally everything in that world must be defined using defmacro
. This is the wrong picture. The right picture is that defmacro
enables a step into the ordinary Lisp world, but in which the principal object of manipulation is Lisp code. Once that step is taken, one uses ordinary Lisp function definitions:
(defmacro setq2 (v1 v2 e)
(let ((e1 (some-computation e)))
(list 'progn (list 'setq v1 e1) (list 'setq v2 e1))))
(defun some-computation (exp) ...) ;; _Right!_
One possible explanation for this mistake may be that in other languages, such as C, invoking a preprocessor macro does get you into a different world; you canât run an arbitrary C program. It might be worth pausing to think about what it might mean to be able to.
Another subtle consequence is that we must spell out how the arguments to the macro get distributed to the hypothetical behind-the-scenes function (called setq2-function
in my example). In most cases, it is easy to do so: In defining a macro, we use all the usual lambda
-list syntax, such as &optional
, &rest
, &key
, but what gets bound to the formal parameters are pieces of the macro form, not their values (which are mostly unknown, this being compile time for the macro form). So if we defined a macro thus:
(defmacro foo (x &optional y &key (cxt 'null)) ...)
- if we call it with
(foo a)
, the parametersâ values are:x=a
. - calling
(foo (+ a 1) (- y 1))
gives:x=(+ a 1)
,y=(- y 1)
. - and
(foo a b :cxt (zap zip))
,cxt=(zap zip)
Note that the values of the variables are the actual expressions (+ a 1)
and (zap zip)
. There is no requirement that these expressionsâ values be known, or even that they have values. The macro can do anything it likes with them. For instance, hereâs an even more useless variant of setq
: (setq-reversible e1 e2 d)
behaves like (setq e1 e2)
if d=:normal
, and behaves like (setq e2 e1)
if d=:backward
. It could be defined thus:
(defmacro setq-reversible (e1 e2 direction)
(case direction
(:normal (list 'setq e1 e2))
(:backward (list 'setq e2 e1))
(t (error "Unknown direction: ~a" direction))))
Hereâs how it expands:
(macroexpand '(setq-reversible x y :normal))
(macroexpand '(setq-reversible x y :backward))
And with a wrong direction:
(macroexpand '(setq-reversible x y :other-way-around))
We get an error and are prompted into the debugger!
Weâll see the backquote and comma mechanism in the next section, but hereâs a fix:
(defmacro setq-reversible (v1 v2 direction)
(case direction
(:normal (list 'setq v1 v2))
(:backward (list 'setq v2 v1))
(t `(error "Unknown direction: ~a" ,direction))))
;; ^^ backquote ^^ comma: get the value inside the backquote.
(macroexpand '(SETQ-REVERSIBLE v1 v2 :other-way-around))
;; (ERROR "Unknown direction: ~a" :OTHER-WAY-AROUND)
;; T
Now when we call (setq-reversible v1 v2 :other-way-around)
we still get the
error and the debugger, but at least not when using macroexpand
Backquote and comma
Before taking another step, we need to introduce a piece of Lisp notation that is indispensable to defining macros, even though technically it is quite independent of macros. This is the backquote facility. As we saw above, the main job of a macro, when all is said and done, is to define a piece of Lisp code, and that means evaluating expressions such as (list 'prog (list 'setq ...) ...)
. As these expressions grow in complexity, it becomes hard to read them and write them. What we find ourselves wanting is a notation that provides the skeleton of an expression, with some of the pieces filled in with new expressions. Thatâs what backquote provides. Instead of the list
expression given above, one writes
`(progn (setq ,v1 ,e) (setq ,v2 ,e))
;;^ backquote ^ ^ ^ ^ commas
The backquote (`) character signals that in the expression that follows, every subexpression not preceded by a comma is to be quoted, and every subexpression preceded by a comma is to be evaluated.
You can think of it, and use it, as data interpolation:
`(v1 = ,v1) ;; => (V1 = 3)
Thatâs mostly all there is to backquote. There are just two extra items to point out.
Comma-splice ,@
First, if you write â,@e
â instead of â,e
â then the value of e is spliced (or âjoinedâ, âcombinedâ, âinterleavedâ) into the result. So if v
equals (oh boy)
, then
`(zap ,@v ,v)
evaluates to
(zap oh boy (oh boy))
;; ^^^^^ elements of v (two elements), spliced.
;; ^^ v itself (a list)
The second occurrence of v
is replaced by its value. The first is replaced by the elements of its value. If v
had had value ()
, it would have disappeared entirely: the value of (zap ,@v ,v)
would have been (zap ())
, which is the same as (zap nil)
Quote-comma â,
When we are inside a backquote context and we want to print an expression literally, we have no choice but to use the combination of quote and comma:
(defmacro explain-exp (exp)
`(format t "~S = ~S" ',exp ,exp))
;; ^^
(explain-exp (+ 2 3))
;; (+ 2 3) = 5
See by yourself:
;; Defmacro with no quote at all:
(defmacro explain-exp (exp)
(format t "~a = ~a" exp exp))
(explain-exp v1)
;; V1 = V1
;; OK, with a backquote and a comma to get the value of exp:
(defmacro explain-exp (exp)
;; WRONG example
`(format t "~a = ~a" exp ,exp))
(explain-exp v1)
;; => error: The variable EXP is unbound.
;; We then must use quote-comma:
(defmacro explain-exp (exp)
`(format t "~a = ~a" ',exp ,exp))
(explain-exp (+ 1 2))
;; (+ 1 2) = 3
Nested backquotes
Second, one might wonder what happens if a backquote expression occurs inside another backquote. The answer is that the backquote becomes essentially unreadable and unwriteable; using nested backquote is usually a tedious debugging exercise. The reason, in my not-so-humble opinion, is that backquote is defined wrong. A comma pairs up with the innermost backquote when the default should be that it pairs up with the outermost. But this is not the place for a rant; consult your favorite Lisp reference for the exact behavior of nested backquote plus some examples.
Building lists with backquote
One problem with backquote is that once you learn it you tend to use for every list-building occasion. For instance, you might write
(mapcan (lambda (x)
(cond ((symbolp x) `((,x)))
((> x 10) `(,x ,x))
(t '())))
which yields ((a) 15 15)
when some-list
= (a 6 15)
. The problem is that mapcan
destructively alters the results returned by the lambda
-expression. Can we be sure that the lists returned by that expression are âfresh,â that is, they are different (in the eq
sense) from the structures returned on other calls of that lambda
expression? In the present case, close analysis will show that they must be fresh, but in general backquote is not obligated to return a fresh list every time (whether it does or not is implementation-dependent). If the example above got changed to
(mapcan (lambda (x)
(cond ((symbolp x) `((,x)))
((> x 10) `(,x ,x))
((>= x 0) `(low))
(t '())))
then backquote may well treat (low)
as if it were
; the list will be allocated at load time, and every time the
is evaluated, that same chunk of storage will be returned. So
if we evaluate the expression with some-list
= (a 6 15)
, we will
get ((a) low 15 15)
, but as a side effect the constant (low)
get clobbered to become (low 15 15)
. If we then evaluate the
expression with, say, some-list
= (8 oops)
, the result will be
(low 15 15 (oops))
, and now the âconstantâ that started off as
will be (low 15 15 (oops))
. (Note: The bug exemplified here
takes other forms, and has often bit newbies - as well as experienced
programmers - in the ass. The general form is that a constant list is
produced as the value of something that is later destructively
altered. The first line of defense against this bug is never to
destructively alter any list. For newbies, this is also the last line
of defense. For those of us who imagine weâre more sophisticated, the
next line of defense is to think very carefully any time you use
or mapcan
To fix the bug, you can write (map 'list ...)
instead of mapcan
. However, if you are determined to use mapcan
, write the expression this way:
(mapcan (lambda (x)
(cond ((symbolp x) (list `(,x)))
((> x 10) (list x x))
((>= x 0) (list 'low))
(t '())))
My personal preference is to use backquote only to build S-expressions, that is, hierarchical expressions that consist of symbols, numbers, and strings, and that are not conceptualized as changing in length. For instance, I would never write
(setq sk `(,x ,@sk))
If sk
is being used as a stack, that is, itâs going to be pop
ped in the normal course of things, I would write (push x sk)
. If not, I would write (setq sk (cons x sk))
Getting Macros Right
I said in the first section that my definition of setq2
wasnât quite right, and now itâs time to fix it.
Suppose we write (setq2 x y (+ x 2))
, when x
=8. Then according to the definition given above, this form will expand into
(setq x (+ x 2))
(setq y (+ x 2)))
so that x
will have value 10 and y
will have value 12. Indeed, hereâs its macroexpansion:
(macroexpand '(setq2 x y (+ x 2)))
;;(PROGN (SETQ X (+ X 2)) (SETQ Y (+ X 2)))
Chances are that isnât what the macro is expected to do (although you never know). Another problematic case is (setq2 x y (pop l))
, which causes l
to be popped twice; again, probably not right.
The solution is to evaluate the expression e
just once, save it in a temporary variable, and then set v1
and v2
to it.
To make temporary variables, we use the gensym
function, which returns a fresh variable guaranteed to appear nowhere else. Here is what the macro should look like:
(defmacro setq2 (v1 v2 e)
(let ((tempvar (gensym)))
`(let ((,tempvar ,e))
(progn (setq ,v1 ,tempvar)
(setq ,v2 ,tempvar)))))
Now (setq2 x y (+ x 2))
expands to
(let ((#:g2003 (+ x 2)))
(progn (setq x #:g2003) (setq y #:g2003)))
Here gensym
has returned the symbol #:g2003
, which prints in this funny way because it wonât be recognized by the reader. (Nor is there any need for the reader to recognize it, since it exists only long enough for the code that contains it to be compiled.)
Exercise: Verify that this new version works correctly for the case (setq2 x y (pop l1))
Exercise: Try writing the new version of the macro without using backquote. If you canât do it, you have done the exercise correctly, and learned what backquote is for!
The moral of this section is to think carefully about which expressions in a macro get evaluated and when. Be on the lookout for situations where the same expression gets plugged into the output twice (as e
was in my original macro design). For complex macros, watch out for cases where the order that expressions are evaluated differs from the order in which they are written. This is sure to trip up some user of the macro - even if you are the only user.
What Macros are For
Macros are for making syntactic extensions to Lisp. One often hears it said that macros are a bad idea, that users canât be trusted with them, and so forth. Balderdash. It is just as reasonable to extend a language syntactically as to extend it by defining your own procedures. It may be true that the casual reader of your code canât understand the code without seeing the macro definitions, but then the casual reader canât understand it without seeing function definitions either. Having defmethod
s strewn around several files contributes far more to unclarity than macros ever have, but thatâs a different diatribe.
Before surveying what sorts of syntactic extensions I have found useful, let me point out what sorts of syntactic extensions are generally not useful, or best accomplished using means other than macros. Some novices think macros are useful for open-coding functions. So, instead of defining
(defun sqone (x)
(let ((y (+ x 1))) (* y y)))
they might define
(defmacro sqone (x)
`(let ((y (+ ,x 1))) (* y y)))
So that (sqone (* z 13))
might expand into
(let ((y (+ (* z 13) 1)))
(* y y))
This is correct, but a waste of effort. For one thing, the amount of time saved is almost certainly negligible. If itâs really important that sqone
be expanded inline, one can put (declaim (inline sqone))
before sqone
is defined (although the compiler is not obligated to honor this declaration). For another, once sqone
is defined as a macro, it becomes impossible to write (mapcar #'sqone ll)
, or to do anything else with it except call it.
But macros have a thousand and one legitimate uses. Why write (lambda (x) ...)
when you can write (\\ (x) ...)
? Just define \\
as a macro: (defmacro \\ (&rest list) `(lambda ,@list))
Many people find mapcar
and mapcan
a bit too obscure, especially when used with large lambda
expressions. Rather than write something like
(mapcar (lambda (x)
(let ((y (hairy-fun1 x))
(z (hairy-fun2 x)))
(dolist (y1 y)
(dolist (z1 z)
_... and further meaningless_
_space-filling nonsense..._
we might prefer to write
(for (x :in list)
(let ((y (hairy-fun1 x))
(z (hairy-fun2 x)))
(dolist (y1 y)
(dolist (z1 z)
_... and further meaningless_
_space-filling nonsense..._
This macro might be defined thus:
(defmacro for (listspec exp)
;; ^^ listspec = (x :in list), a list of length 3.
;; ^^ exp = the rest of the code.
((and (= (length listspec) 3)
(symbolp (first listspec))
(eq (second listspec) ':in))
`(mapcar (lambda (,(first listspec))
,(third listspec)))
(t (error "Ill-formed for spec: ~A" listspec)))))
(This is a simplified version of a macro by Chris Riesbeck.)
Itâs worth stopping for a second to discuss the role the keyword :in
plays in this macro. It serves as a sort of âlocal syntax marker,â in that it has no meaning as far as Lisp is concerned, but does serve as a syntactic guidepost for the macro itself. I will refer to these markers as guide symbols. (Here its job may seem trivial, but if we generalized the for
macro to allow multiple list arguments and an implicit progn
in the body the :in
s would be crucial in telling us where the arguments stopped and the body began.)
It is not strictly necessary for the guide symbols of a macro to be in the keyword package, but it is a good idea, for two reasons. First, they highlight to the reader that something idiosyncratic is going on. A form like (for ((x in (foobar a b 'oof))) (something-hairy x (list x)))
looks a bit wrong already, because of the double parentheses before the x
. But using â:in
â makes it more obvious.
Second, notice that I wrote (eq (second listspec) ':in)
in the macro definition to check for the presence of the guide symbol. If I had used in
instead, I would have had to think about which package my in
lives in and which package the macro userâs in
lives in. One way to avoid trouble would be to write
(and (symbolp (second listspec))
(eq (intern (symbol-name (second listspec))
Another would be to write
(and (symbolp (second listspec))
(string= (symbol-name (second listspec)) (symbol-name 'in)))
which neither of which is particularly clear or aesthetic. The keyword package is there to provide a home for symbols whose home is not per se relevant to anything; you might as well use it. (Note: In ANSI Lisp, I could have written "IN"
instead of (symbol-name 'in)
, but there are Lisp implementations that do not convert symbolsâ names to uppercase. Since I think the whole uppercase conversion idea is an embarrassing relic, I try to write code that is portable to those implementations.)
Letâs look at another example, both to illustrate a nice macro, and to provide an auxiliary function for some of the discussion below. One often wants to create new symbols in Lisp, and gensym
is not always adequate for building them. Here is a description of an alternative facility called build-symbol
(build-symbol [(:package p)] -pieces-)
builds a symbol by concatenating the given pieces and interns it as specified by p. For each element of pieces, if it is a âŚ
- ⌠string: The string is added to the new symbolâs name.
- ⌠symbol: The name of the symbol is added to the new symbolâs name.
- ⌠expression of the form
(:< e)
: e should evaluate to a string, symbol, or number; the characters of the value of e (as printed byprinc
) are concatenated into the new symbolâs name.- ⌠expression of the form
(:++ p)
: p should be a place expression (i.e., appropriate as the first argument tosetf
), whose value is an integer; the value is incremented by 1, and the new value is concatenated into the new symbolâs name.If the
specification is omitted, it defaults to the value of*package*
. If p isnil
, the symbol is interned nowhere. Otherwise, it should evaluate to a package designator (usually, a keyword whose name is the same of a package).
For example, (build-symbol (:< x) "-" (:++ *x-num*))
, when x
= foo
and *x-num*
= 8, sets *x-num*
to 9 and evaluates to FOO-9
. If evaluated again, the result will be FOO-10
, and so forth.
Obviously, build-symbol
canât be implemented as a function; it has to be a macro. Here is an implementation:
(defmacro build-symbol (&rest list)
(let ((p (find-if (lambda (x)
(and (consp x)
(eq (car x) ':package)))
(when p
(setq list (remove p list)))
(let ((pkg (cond ((eq (second p) 'nil)
(t `(find-package ',(second p))))))
(cond (p
(cond (pkg
`(values (intern ,(symstuff list) ,pkg)))
`(make-symbol ,(symstuff list)))))
`(values (intern ,(symstuff list))))))))
(defun symstuff (list)
`(concatenate 'string
,@(for (x :in list)
(cond ((stringp x)
((atom x)
`',(format nil "~a" x))
((eq (car x) ':<)
`(format nil "~a" ,(second x)))
((eq (car x) ':++)
`(format nil "~a" (incf ,(second x))))
`(format nil "~a" ,x))))))
(Another approach would be have symstuff
return a single call of the form (format nil format-string -forms-)
, where the forms are derived from the pieces, and the format-string consists of interleaved ~aâs and strings.)
Sometimes a macro is needed only temporarily, as a sort of syntactic scaffolding. Suppose you need to define 12 functions, but they fall into 3 stereotyped groups of 4:
(defun make-a-zip (y z)
(vector 2 'zip y z))
(defun test-whether-zip (x)
(and (vectorp x) (eq (aref x 1) 'zip)))
(defun zip-copy (x) ...)
(defun zip-deactivate (x) ...)
(defun make-a-zap (u v w)
(vector 3 'zap u v w))
(defun test-whether-zap (x) ...)
(defun zap-copy (x) ...)
(defun zap-deactivate (x) ...)
(defun make-a-zep ()
(vector 0 'zep))
(defun test-whether-zep (x) ...)
(defun zep-copy (x) ...)
(defun zep-deactivate (x) ...)
Where the omitted pieces are the same in all similarly named functions. (That is, the ââŚâ in zep-deactivate
is the same code as the ââŚâ in zip-deactivate
, and so forth.) Here, for the sake of concreteness, if not plausibility, zip
, zap
, and zep
are behaving like odd little data structures. The functions could be rather large, and it would get tedious keeping them all in sync as they are debugged. An alternative would be to use a macro:
(defmacro odd-define (name buildargs)
`(progn (defun ,(build-symbol make-a- (:< name))
(vector ,(length buildargs) ',name ,@buildargs))
(defun ,(build-symbol test-whether- (:< name)) (x)
(and (vectorp x) (eq (aref x 1) ',name))
(defun ,(build-symbol (:< name) -copy) (x)
(defun ,(build-symbol (:< name) -deactivate) (x)
(odd-define zip (y z))
(odd-define zap (u v w))
(odd-define zep ())
If all the uses of this macro are collected in this one place, it might be clearer to make it a local macro using macrolet:
(macrolet ((odd-define (name buildargs)
(defun ,(build-symbol make-a- (:< name))
(vector ,(length buildargs)
(defun ,(build-symbol test-whether- (:< name))
(and (vectorp x) (eq (aref x 1) ',name))
(defun ,(build-symbol (:< name) -copy) (x)
(defun ,(build-symbol (:< name) -deactivate) (x)
(odd-define zip (y z))
(odd-define zap (u v w))
(odd-define zep ()))
Finally, macros are essential for defining âcommand languages.â A command is a function with a short name for use by users in interacting with Lispâs read-eval-print loop. A short name is useful and possible because we want it to be easy to type and we donât care much whether the name clashes some other command; if two command names clash, we can change one of them.
As an example, letâs define a little command language for debugging macros. (You may actually find this useful.) There are just two commands, ex
and fi
. They keep track of a âcurrent form,â the thing to be macro-expanded or the result of such an expansion:
(ex [form])
: Applymacroexpand-1
to form (if supplied) or the current form, and make the result the current form. Then pretty-print the current form.(fi s [k])
: Find the kâth subexpression of the current form whosecar
is s. (k defaults to 0.) Make that subexpression the current form and pretty-print it.
Suppose youâre trying to debug a macro hair-squared
that expands into something complex containing a subform that is itself a macro form beginning with the symbol odd-define
. You suspect there is a bug in the subform. You might issue the following commands:
(ex (hair-squared ...))
(fi odd-define)
Once again, it is clear that ex
and fi
cannot be functions, although they could easily be made into functions if we were willing to type a quote before their arguments. But using âquoteâ often seems inappropriate in commands. For one thing, having to type it is a nuisance in a context where we are trying to save keystrokes, especially if the argument in question is always quoted. For another, in many cases it just seems inappropriate. If we had a command that took a symbol as one of its arguments and set it to a value, it would just be strange to write (command 'x ...)
instead of (command x ...)
, because we want to think of the command as a variant of setq
Here is how ex
and fi
might be defined:
(defvar *current-form*)
(defmacro ex (&optional (form nil form-supplied))
(pprint (setq *current-form*
,(cond (form-supplied
(t '*current-form*)))))
(defmacro fi (s &optional (k 0))
(pprint (setq *current-form*
(find-nth-occurrence ',s *current-form* ,k)))
The ex
macro expands to a form containing a call to macroexpand-1
, a built-in function that does one step of macro expansion to a form whose car
is the name of a macro. (If given some other form, it returns the form unchanged.) pprint
is a built-in function that pretty-prints its argument. Because we are using ex
and fi
at a read-eval-print loop, any value returned by their expansions will be printed. Here the expansion is executed for side effect, so we arrange to return no values at all by having the expansion return (values)
In some Lisp implementations, read-eval-print loops routinely print results using pprint
. In those implementations we could simplify ex
and fi
by having them print nothing, but just return the value of *current-form*
, which the read-eval-print loop will then print prettily. Use your judgment.
I leave the definition of find-nth-occurrence
as an exercise. You might also want to define a command that just sets and prints the current form: (cf e)
One caution: In general, command languages will consist of a mixture of macros and functions, with convenience for their definer (and usually sole user) being the main consideration. If a command seems to âwantâ to evaluate some of its arguments sometimes, you have to decide whether to define two (or more) versions of it, or just one, a function whose arguments must be quoted to prevent their being evaluated. For the cf
command mentioned in the previous paragraph, some users might prefer cf
to be a function, some a macro.
define-symbol-macro, symbol-macrolet
These two macros allow to define a symbol that will act as a âshortcutâ for another, more complex form.
In the spec words, they âprovide a mechanism for affecting the macro expansion of the indicated symbolâ.
affects the global environment (like
, defun
and all), symbol-macrolet
is to be used for
a local scope like let
We gave an example in the Data Structures section. We use a struct:
(defstruct ship x-position y-position x-velocity y-velocity)
Its slot accessors are ship-x-position
, etc.
We write a move-ship
function, that has to access all the different structure slots:
(defun move-ship (ship)
(psetf (ship-x-position ship)
(+ (ship-x-position ship) (ship-x-velocity ship))
(ship-y-position ship)
(+ (ship-y-position ship) (ship-y-velocity ship)))
but we find it too wordy: weâll use a local symbol macro so that x
will expand to ship-x-position
looks like this, its syntax is similar to let
(symbol-macrolet ((x (ship-x-position ship))
(y (other-form ship)))
(use x and y here))
letâs use it in our function:
(defun move-ship (ship)
(symbol-macrolet ;; <---- like a LET
((x (ship-x-position ship)) ;; <---- a list of (symbol (expansion form))
(y (ship-y-position ship))
(xv (ship-x-velocity ship))
(yv (ship-y-velocity ship)))
(psetf x (+ x xv) ;; <----- use x in the body
y (+ y yv))
At compile-time, during the phase of macro-expansions, x
witll be
expanded to the form (ship-x-position ship)
, and the function will
be compiled with that form.
Read more on the Community Spec.
See also
The following video, from the series âLittle bits of Lispâ by cbaggers, is a two hours long talk on macros, showing simple to advanced concepts such as compiler macros: It also shows how to manipulate macros (and their expansion) in Emacs.
- the article âReader macros in Common Lispâ:
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